Class: | Gleaves |
Commissioned | 03/14/1941 |
Length Overall | 348' 2" |
Extreme Beam: | 36' 1" |
Mean Draft: | |
Normal Displacement tons: Standard Displacement tons: |
2,060 1,620 |
Ships Company: | Off. 9; Enl.:199 |
Cargo Capacity: | |
Armament: | Primary: (4) 5"/38 cal. DP |
Armament: | Secondary: (6) .50 cal.AA |
Armament: | Torpedo Tubes: (2) 21' quint |
Designed Speed: | 33 knots |
Designed Shaft Horse Power: | 50,000 |
Screws: | 2 |
Engine Manufacturer: | P S N Y |
Type: | Tturbine |
Fuel (oil) tons | 449 |
ACTION REPORT USS MONSSEN DD-436 Serial TS/133 16 November 1942 USS MONSSEN, Report of battle of November 13, 1942. Report of loss in cruiser night action Phase of battle of Guadalcanal. (C.O. Charles E. McCombs) S-E-C-R-E-T 16 November 1942 From: Commanding Officer, U.S.S. MONSSEN. To : The Commander-in Chief, Pacific Fleet. Via : The Commander, Task Group 67.4. Subject: U.S.S. MONSSEN, Report of battle of November 13, 1942. Reference: (a) U.S.N.R., 1920, Arts. 712 and 874(6). (b) Report of casualties and survivors of U.S.S. MONSSEN, dated November 14, 1942. 1. At about 1830 Love, November 12, 1942, MONSSEN took assigned position in battle formation of Task Group 67.4. Order of ships in column were as follows: CUSHING, LAFFEY, STERETT, O'BANNON, ATLANTA, SAN FRANCISCO (CTG 67.4 Rear Admiral Callaghan) PORTLAND, HELENA, JUNEAU, AARON WARD, BARTON, MONSSEN, FLETCHER. This formation proceeded East through Sealark Channel screening the retirement of Task Group 67.1 from Cactus area through Lengo Channel. 2. Formation made a sweep of Indespensible Straits and returned to Cactus area via Lengo Channel arriving at a point about three miles North of Kukum at about 0150 Love. At this time course was changed by column movement to 290° T, speed 15 knots. Shortly thereafter radar contact with two unidentified vessels was reported bearing 310° T, distant 30,000 yards. Course was again changed by column movement to 310° T and speed to 18 knots. Column leader was approximately 6,000 yards ahead of MONSSEN. At about 0200 Radar Contact with three vessels was reported as bearing 312° T, distant 23,000 yards, course 105° T, speed 20 knots. MONSSEN FD radar was out of commission as a result of a burned out transformer during an afternoon anti-aircraft action and had been so reported. No contacts were made by usually reliable SC radar. All contact information was received via voice radio. All hands were at their battle stations and alert, torpedoes were primed and depth charges were set on "safe". Material condition Afirm was set throughout the ship. Weather was calm but overcast with visibility to North and West estimated at 2,000 to 3,000 yards. 3. Upon receipt of radar contact bearing 312°T, formation course was changed by column movement to 000° T. This is estimated to have been about 0200. 4. At about 0212 and just after MONSSEN had turned to course 000° T gunfire was observed on port bow at a range of about 10,000 yards. It appeared that head of own column was engaged to port. A few minutes previously a TBS report had been received that some enemy units had been observed crossing the head of the column from port to starboard. All torpedoes had been primed and tubes were ordered trained out to starboard and the Torpedo Officer was ordered to fire on any Good enemy target to starboard giving preference to Capital ships if any should be sighted. At about 0215 at least one enemy torpedo was seen to pass under the after conning station, probably from starboard. No explosion of this torpedo was observed. At about the same time a large target was observed by the Torpedo Officer about 30° forward of the starboard beam. It appeared to be a battleship or large cruiser and appeared to be making little or no way, target angle about 320° range about 4,000 yards. A 20 MM gunner on the forward battery claimed to have seen a fair silhouette and later promptly and definitely identified it in the book of Japanese silhouettes as a battleship of the Kongo class. At about 0216 all five torpedoes in tube No. 2 were fired at this target singly, by precussion, using target speed zero, torpedo speed intermediate, average depth setting 10 feet with 21/2° gyro spread. The above mentioned 20 MM gunner reported two hits on this target between forward superstructure and mainmast. Several other survivors reported two heavy underwater explosions on this target. These hits were observed at about 3 minutes after the torpedoes were launched. 5. A few seconds before the above two hits were observed, another target was observed broad on the starboard beam and was believed to be a cruiser or destroyer, more likely the latter. It appeared to be making no speed relative to the previous target so another spread of 5 torpedoes were fired singly, by electricity from the forward tube using the same set up and torpedo speed and depth setting as was used on the previous target. This was about 0219. The range was again estimated at 4,000 yards. Before the last 5 torpedoes could reach the target, the 5" battery opened fire to port and no definite observations were made. The Chief Torpedoman, who is missing in action, told a surviving torpedo striker at the time, that he thought that there was a possible hit resulting from the second spread. During this period in which all torpedoes were fired, MONSSEN was not under fire but had been illuminated by star shells from port. 6. At about 0220 one of our own destroyers was observed about 30° on port bow being heavily hit by an enemy cruiser or destroyer at close range. Range to enemy vessel was estimated to be about 6,000 yards, target angle 330° or 150°. The 5" battery was ordered to open fire on this target and all four guns began firing in salvo, director controlled. There was no illumination at this time but several hits are believed to have been scored on this target. The target vessel ceased firing and MONSSEN ceased fire. This action is believed to have lasted 30-45 seconds. MONSSEN was still undamaged. 7. Almost immediately star shells began bursting above and slightly ahead. These appeared to be coming from port quarter. course was changed with full rudder at full speed to about 040°T. during this maneuver and at about 0221 a destroyer was sighted close aboard to starboard, range about 500 to 1000 yards on course about 150° T and either stopped or making very slow speed. All starboard 20 mm guns (five) opened fire on this target and sprayed her entire upper works with 800 to 1000 rounds. Gun #4 seeing this target opened fire and expended about 5 or 6 rounds at point blank range, local control. None of this fire was returned by this enemy vessel. It was definitely described as being a destroyer with low superstructure and having two stacks, each having two white bands near the top of each stack. Still MONSSEN had not been hit. 8. Almost immediately after this action or at about 0223 MONSSEN was again illuminated by star shells from port. Thinking that stars from port were from a friendly vessel, recognition lights were flashed. Immediately MONSSEN was illuminated by two searchlights from starboard beam, lights being estimated to be 24" and range about 2500 yards. Starboard 20 mm battery immediately opened fire on both searchlights. At this instant MONSSEN began to be hit by medium caliber shells from starboard No. 1 gun shield was hit almost immediately killing the gun crew. Two torpedoes were observed approaching close on starboard bow, perpendicular to own track and running on the surface. Hard right rudder was used and course changed about 50°. Flank speed was ordered but could not be answered because forward steam line had been hit in No. 1 fire room and throttle manifold in after engine room had been ruptured. At this same time two torpedoes were observed by torpedomen aft to pass under the MONSSEN but did not explode. Torpedoes on bow passed close ahead. 9. The remaining 5" guns opened fire on the aftermost searchlight and it was soon extinguished. Numerous hits are believed to have been made on this target. This opinion was concurred in by the Commanding Officer of the SHAW, who observed what he believes to have been this engagement. A few shells from port were hitting and many hits were being received from starboard. There appeared to be some large caliber firing from the starboard bow but the type of vessel firing was not determined. One early hit was received in CPO quarters which started a fire in No. 2 handling room, putting that gun out of action. Shortly thereafter the bridge and director were hit and local control was ordered for the two remaining after guns. From this point on hits were too numerous to account for in order. Guns No. 3 and 4 continued to fire to starboard until a shell exploded in the crews head and killed the No. 3 handling room crew and putting the training mechanism out of commission. Gun No. 4 continued to fire a few more single shots, local control until train control was lost. 10. Steering control power/being taken from the after board until that board was hit. It was then shifted to the forward board. This was also hit shortly thereafter and control was shifted to hand pump. When the after steering station was abandoned the rudder was 26° right. 11. At about 0240 the general conditions prevailing were as follows: All torpedoes fired. All 5" suns and director out of commission. All 20 MM guns or crews out of commission. All Depth Charges set on safe. Entire officer's country, main radio, Captain's and Executive Officer's cabins and level above burning fiercely. This was later fed by Pyrotechnics and 20 MM ammunition in forward clipping room. There were many hits on bridge and superstructure and main deck as far aft as Gun No. 3. There was no power on the ship, both engine rooms and fire rooms had been holed. There was no pressure on the fire main or flooding systems. The small gasoline handy billy was out of commission, the crank case having been holed. There was no telephone communication from the bridge. The proximity of other enemy ships was not known. Both battle dressing stations had received direct hits. MONSSEN was ordered abandoned at approximately 0240. 12. By testimony of all survivors it appears that MONSSEN received the following hits: 1 major cal. at stbd water line 3 feet aft of stem. 1 major cal. in stbd bow above water line at gun No. 1 These two apparently passed through without exploding. 1 medium cal. from port on top of No. 1 gun shield killing gun crew. 2 medium cal. from port in CPO Quarters starting fires in handling room. 1 medium cal. from port in after mess compartment. 1 medium cal. From port through No. 2 gun shield but did not burst. 5 or more medium cal. from port and stbd on bridge and director. 1 major cal. in vicinity of Captain's cabin, starting huge fires in vicinity main radio. This spread quickly upward through superstructure. 10 or more medium cal. from stbd in vicinity of plot and galley above water line. 1 medium cal. from port near laundry. 4 median cal. from port in No. 1 Fireroom. 3 medium cal. 2 from stbd, 1 from port in Forward Enigneroom. 1 medium cal. from port in No. 2 uptake. 2 medium cal. from strd in After Engineroom. The second of these struck the throttle manifold rupturing it. Unknown number medium cal. in vicinity of after stack and torpedo tubes. 1 medium cal. exploded in crews wash room (after battle dressing station) killing many personnel in No. 3 handling room. 1 medium cal. from port near after depth charge projector killing or wounding many men about to abandon snip. 1 medium cal. on after deck house just aft of search light. 13. Inasmuch as most engineers are missing very little information is known concerning engineering material casualties. It is known that the after board was hit early in the action and attempts to put it back in operation caused an electrical fire at the board. It appears that the major damage to the ship was done by medium caliber hits and from fires that resulted. There were very few members of the crew who were not struck by shrapnel. The ships one boat was blown off and so badly holed by shrapnel that it soon sank. All rafts seem to have been hit by shrapnel and at least four forward rafts were blown clear of the ship. Rations and medical supplies on several rafts were struck and ruined after leakage of sea water. The fiber float life net alone seems to have been undamaged rafts. All rafts, life nets and many powder cans were used to float survivors, particularly wounded. 14. Firing had ceased about 5 minutes after orders to abandon ship were given. Lt.(jg) George S. Hamm, USNR, First Lieut., was uninjured and he with all able bodied men on the main deck carried on heroically in attempts to give emergency first aid to the wounded and to launch life rafts and empty powder cans to which the wounded were secured. This group, without thought of safety for themselves searched the ship as thoroughly as conditions of fire and damage would permit to make certain that all living were got off the ship. Lt.(jg) Ham left the ship only after he had been persuaded by his men that he could do no more good on board and that the fires would undoubtedly reach the magazines before long. The Commanding Officer and all bride survivors were trapped on the bride. The inside passage was all aflame and the outside ladder was shot away. Several tried jumping to the superstructure deck or torpedo deck. Four men survived in this manner. The officers, followed at about 0300 by the Commanding Officer, jumped from the bride rail to the water. One of these officers is believed to have struck the boat davit on the way down. He, Ens. R.W. Kittredge, USNR died later in the water as a result of injuries believed to have been received in his fall. Ens. Lassen, USNR, Torpedo Officer with a serious shrapnel wound in one leg suffered no additional injuries from his leap. The Commanding Officer only slightly wounded by shrapnel received broken bones in both shoulders as a result of his jump. All reached rafts. Ens. Kittredge disappeared during the night. 15. This report has been written entirely from memory and from testimony of survivors, all records and papers having been destroyed with the ship. Confidential publications and codes were made up with heavy weights attached and the coding machine was cast loose ready for destruction but since the entire area in which this material was located was a blazing inferno, there was no opportunity to reach it. It is not believed that any of it could Lave survived the fire and tae depth of water which the ship rests makes any possible salvage and compromise almost impossible. Approximately 40% of officers and men survived and a complete report, reference (b) has been forwarded under separate cover. 16. It is believed MONSSEN was engaged by two and possibly three destroyers and one cruiser or battleship who inflicted the damaged described above. It is the opinion of the Commanding Officer that MONSSEN inflicted damage to the enemy as follows: Two torpedo hits amidships on KONGO class battleship. One possible torpedo hit on a cruiser or large destroyer. Several 5" hits on one cruiser or destroyer to port. Many 20 MM and 3 or 4 5" hits on a destroyer at close range to stbd. This destroyer had two stacks with two white bands on each stack. Numerous 20 MM and several 5" hits on a large destroyer to stbd at about 2000 to 2500 yards range. The Gunnery Officer and control party are missing in action and the above statements are made from scanty information now available. 17. After daylight MONSSEN though burning from forward bulkhead of CPO Quarters to Torpedo Workshop was still afloat. At this time Storey, C.C., BM2c, Spurgeon, L.F., GM2c and Hughes J.G. F1c, returned to the ship and found eight more men alive. These they put on their raft. Five of these eight lived after reaching shore. The presence of the mind of these men, the utter disregard for own safety in the possibility of rescuing additional shipmates is most commendable. The actions of Storey, C.C., BM2c are reported to have been calm, determined and in many cases far beyond the call of duty but in accordance with the highest traditions of the Naval service. A supplementary report in the case of Storey will be submitted when more details are available. At about 0900 more heavy fires were seen to break out and during the late forenoon or early afternoon MONSSEN blew up and sunk at approximately Latitude 09-04-30 South, Longitude 159-54 East in about 500 fathoms of water. 18. All survivors reported in reference (a} were picked up by landing boats at about 0800 love, November 13th and put ashore at Guadalcanal about at 0930 where they were encamped or hospitalized. Seven critically wounded enlisted men died and were buried in the First Marine Division Cemetery at Guadalcanal. The moral of all survivors is high and they are most anxious to stay together. It is felt that the efficiency of the fleet and the moral of the men could best be served if the survivors of the MONSSEN, who prior to this action claimed the definite destruction of seven aircraft and four submarines, could be used as the nucleus crew for a new ship. 19. The Executive Officer is missing in action and no supplementary report will be available. It is believed that this report covers all the essential facts that are available. Chas. E. McCombs Copy to: ComSoPac ComDesPac
SOUTH PACIFIC FORCE of the United States Pacific Fleet Headquarters of the Commander SECOND ENDORSEMENT ON CO MONSSEN Secret Ltr. of November 16, 1942. From: The Commander South Pacific Area and South Pacific Force. To : The Commander-in-Chief, U. S. Pacific Fleet. Subject: U.S.S. MONSSEN, Report of battle of November 13, 1942. 1. Forwarded. 2. This report gives a vivid picture of an outstanding performance which is in no way discredited by the loss of the MONSSEN. Only after the vessel had been completely immobilized in all departments was the order given to abandon ship. 3. Failure of the SC radar to produce results may indicate damage resulting from the previous anti-aircraft firing. 4. The report in its present phrasing has a great potential morale value, and substantial extracts might well be given to the press in addition to wide distribution within the armed forces. W. F. HALSEY Copy to: Comdesdiv Nine
ComDesDiv. NINE. File No. A16 Serial (03-43). Destroyer Division NINE. U.S.S. DRAYTON, Flagship % Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif., January 18, 1943. From: The Commander Task Group 67.4. To : The Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet. Via : The Commander South Pacific Force. Subject: U.S.S. MONSSEN, Report of battle of November 13, 1942. 1. This action report received and forwarded this date. L.A. Abercrombie
U.S.S. MONSSEN c/o Postmaster San Francisco, California. 12 November 1942 From : Commanding Officer, U.S.S. MONSSEN. To : The Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet. Via : The Commander Task Group 67.4. Subject: U.S.S. MONSSEN, Anti-aircraft action report. Reference: U.S.N.R., 1920, Arts. 712, 784(6). 1. U.S.S. MONSSEN as a unit of Task Group 67.4 (Rear Admiral Callaghan) was patrolling the extreme western sector of an anti-submarine screen of radius 6,000 yards around Task Group 67.1 unloading at Lunga Point, Guadalcanal when word was received that an air attack was imminent. 2. General Quarters was immediately sounded at 1318 and MONSSEN closed TG 67.1 to 1,000 yards as had been previously order-ed. At about 134O TG 67.1 got underway and proceeded on base course 3400 T. TG 67.4 formed a circular screen about TB 67.1 at a radius of about 1200 to 150O yards from center of formation. At 1407, 23 Japanese twin engine torpedo bombers appeared over the middle eastern section of Florida Island at a low altitude. These enemy planes w ere instantly recognized and tracked as they approached the formation. 3. At 1412 the MONSSEN main battery, followed shortly by the 20 MM battery opened fire on aircraft targets of opportunity. One attacking plane each was shot down in flames by the main and 20 MM batteries. 4. Of the 23 planes attacking, 21 were shot down by anti- aircraft fire. No hits or casualties were observed on any ship of the formation. MONSSEN received no personnel casualties and only material casualty resulting was the burning out and rupture of an oil filled transformer in the FD Radar. This casualty was reported to Immediate Superior in Command. 5. MONSSEN picked up no prisoners or survivors and salvaged no material following this engagement. 6. At about 1500, TG 67.1 returned to anchorage and MONSSEN resumed her position in anti-submarine screen. Chas E. McCombs. Destroyer Division NINE. U.S.S. DRAYTON, Flagship % Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif., January 18, 1943. From: The Commander Task Group 67.4. To : The Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet. Via : The Commander South Pacific Force. Subject: U.S.S. MONSSEN, Anti-Aircraft report 1. This action report received and forwarded this date. L.A. Abercrombie
SOUTH PACIFIC FORCE of the United States Pacific Fleet Headquarters of the Commander 1st Endorsement on CTG 67.4 Secret Ltr. A16 Serial 02-42 of January 18, 1943. From: The Commander South Pacific Area and South Pacific Force. To : The Commander-in-Chief, U. S. Pacific Fleet. Subject: U.S.S. MONSSEN, Anti-aircraft action report. 1. Forwarded. W.F. HALSEY
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